MI:Toolbox displays the following error message when trying to delete records. 


No records have been updated
Exception while committing transaction to database

If your database is set with a maximum size and you have Autogrowth disabled you may have run out of space. Check the server log file and ask your database administrator to adjust database settings if necessary. This message may also occur for other reasons.

When records are deleted a summary of that data is stored in an SQL table.  If you have run out of space this summary data cannot be written and MI:Toolbox will display the above error.



Please email support if you require further assistance.

If your problem relates to GRANTA MI please attach the MI:Viewer logs and MI:Server logs from the time the problem occurred (these are typically located in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MI\logs and C:\Program Files\Granta\GRANTA MI\Server\Logs respectively).

Daisy Llewellyn
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