Typically, you will install CES Selector using the ces_setup.20xx.exe bootstrapper. However, it is possible to install the MSI files individually by running them directly. The minimum you would need to install is Selector.msi and at least one database MSI. You will need to install Selector.msi before installing any databases.

  1. Use the standard installer to create an offline installation package, by entering the following command:
    selector_setup.20xx.exe -layout  

    For full details, see the CES Selector Installation Guide.
    This will download your licensed MSI files and your license key file license.lic.

  2. Copy license.lic from the root of the layout folder into the packages folder containing the MSI files. For example:
  3. Install Selector.msi, either by double-clicking it, or installing it from the Windows Command Prompt using:
    msiexec /i "C:\PATH\Selector.msi"
  4. Install the database MSI files.

To install the MSI files in silent mode, enter the following command:

msiexec /i "C:\PATH\filename.msi" /quiet

To uninstall CES Selector, uninstall the databases first before uninstalling Selector.msi.

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