July 10, 2018

Centralized materials knowledge base will drive product innovation and development

Cambridge, UK. Granta Design today announced that 4 Divisions of Continental have chosen GRANTA MI™, the leading system for enterprise materials information management, to create a single point of collection and access for its materials data, from materials engineering through to design and simulation. Continental has been committed to automotive innovation for more than 100 years. With an increasing focus on computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE), the global enterprise needed a single, standardized, and traceable means of managing its critical proprietary engineering data across divisions within its Automotive Business.

In order to make the right engineering and design decisions that improve product performance, minimize risk, and reduce time-to-market, automotive enterprises need access to accurate, quality materials information. Capturing and managing such large amounts of specialist materials information, and delivering it to those who need it, when they need it, and in the right format is a challenge. Moreover, if that information is deployed to design and simulation teams without traceability, consistency, and context, there cannot be full confidence in the results.

“We’re delighted to welcome Continental into the community of Granta users,” said Patrick Coulter, Chief Operating Officer, Granta Design. “The right materials decisions based on quality materials data empower design, solve materials-related business problems, and maximize market share. We look forward to supporting Continental as they implement their new materials information strategy.”In solving these challenges, Continental chose GRANTA MI™ as an approved ‘single source of truth’ for its materials information for use, and re-use, throughout the Group’s product development lifecycle. Through GRANTA MI™, proprietary in-house materials information is supplemented by comprehensive, trustworthy reference data. Automotive enterprises like Continental are using GRANTA MI™ as a centralized and enterprise-wide hub of approved, versioned data to support virtual engineering, control supplier qualification processes, and aid environmental compliance. Enhanced tools facilitate visualization and analysis of test data, manage product risk, and ensure robust data management workflows.

With the pilot phase of the deployment completed, Continental will soon begin the initial roll-out of the GRANTA MI™ solution, providing access mid-term to more than 4,000 users, within its automotive business.


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