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Paper: Energy

A description of the different Power Systems available in CES EduPack Level 3 Energy. "Materials for Low Carbon Power" discusses different low carbon power systems and their resource intensities; material, energy, CO2, capital and land area. Includes Coal and Gas power for comparison. "Materials for Nuclear Power Systems" provides a background on Nuclear Power Systems. Describes the different reactor types, their associated materials and the nuclear properties in the Elements database. "Materials for Energy Storage Systems" discusses the need for Energy Storage Systems and the process of selection. Describes different types of Energy Storage Systems and their resource intensities.

Authors | Institution:
Mike Ashby, Julia Attwood, Michael Smidman, James Polyblank | Granta Design
Type | Language | Year:
PDF | English | 2013
CES EduPack, Database, Energy, Energy Storage Systems, Low Carbon Power, nuclear power, White Paper,
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