Honeywell Aerospace have been a long-standing member of the Material Data Management Consortium (MDMC), applying materials information technology to ensure: consistency in material property information across the organization; flexibility to provide, for example, design curves in the different formats required by different customers; the ability to handle diverse data (“we had to have the ability to store just about every property you can think of in just about any type of materials you can imagine.”); security, especially for export control issues; and traceability, tracking where the data or model came from, and which model was active at a specific time.
Doug Hall, from the Life Methods group at Honeywell discussed how these requirements are met during a Granta webinar, and also during a seminar at the National Center for Aviation Training (NCAT) facility, Wichita. He explained the time savings when extracting a mathematical model for design work: “it used to take a group 3 to 4 hours worth of work to assemble the necessary data, then another hour doing the curve fitting, running the spreadsheet, documenting the work. Now it takes about three or four minutes… cutting about 80% of the time it used to take to generate the new model that people can use.”